Write for Humans, not for Google…
In the web engineering domain, search engine friendly content writing plays an important role that supports the end users in various aspects. At present, many businesses have their competitors. The range of businesses may vary from one another. The online marketers always prefer rich contents for ecommerce websites. The businesses grow with the effort of seeking for new customer bases. New technologies are introduced from moment to moment. In this situation, SEO is required to be addressed in order to write the right content for the right audience. Google may run trillions of search queries per day and hence it should have the most optimized query analyzer. As a result, many web development companies hire content writers whom are qualified with SEO practice.
It is said that the content is the king in SEO. It happens only with the keyword rich contents. Further Google analyses the flow of the content presented by the semantic HTML 5 elements. HTML outliners are available today to test the content against the accepted flow. If flawless contents flow throughout an HTML page, the content is called an SEO friendly content. Here, it is essential to understand that the flawless content is not only a set of keywords, but also a description that has no grammatical errors, spelling mistakes and invalid characters.
As SEO specialists, we should understand first, that the content is read by the end users for their requirements to be fulfilled. Google bot is a kind of AI system or an invisible robot who crawls the contents of the webpages of websites found in all the web servers connected to the Internet. Many SEO companies force the creative writers to write the contents for the spiders. This is something wrong because the purpose of sharing information or communication should not expected to be happened among the robots and humans. Information is to be passed to the target audience that is a group of humans not a set of robots. As a side effect of publishing an article in which a large number of keywords are found, the search engine crawlers can rank the page easily.
From the visitors’ perspective, the language style followed by the writer abides the readers to the article while they refuse to interact with a huge article written for GoogleBot by embedding many keywords. SEO specialists are responsible to bring their clients’ websites to the first SERP while the content writers bear the responsibility to make the readers happy and love the articles published.
Writing articles for the WWW should be creative as well as technical. In that sense, the creative writers should obey to the SEO specialists’ suggestions and the end users’ desires. Therefore the content writers are accountable to offer their write-ups as SEO friendly and human friendly. The most significant difference in between SEO specialists and Creative Writers is nothing but the approach of organizing the contents. The language style is an important factor to be considered in creative masterpieces while the key words are the basis of the article that is going to be ranked by the crawler.
The website visitor is the king for the content writer. The content is the king for SEO. Indirectly, SEO is the process of increasing the number of visitors to the website. Directly it is the process of bringing a website on to the first SERP. The visitors’ feedbacks are the most important asset to the business organization. Without keywords, the site will not be in the first SERP. Without a properly addressed content, the site will not be memorable to the end user. It means that the website owners need not only SEO specialists but also SEO friendly creative writers.